Anxiety can become debilitating when it interferes with your daily life. There are natural treatments available to help you cope with various signs of anxiety including uneasiness, obsessive behaviours, sleeping difficulties, shortness of breath, palpitations and a myriad of other symptoms. More people turn towards natural remedies for anxiety because these are safer and healthier than pharmaceutical drugs which can cause negative side effects.
1. Take natural herbs to treat anxiety.
Here are some natural remedies that can make a real difference in your life:
This common herb is a natural sedative. It calms your nerves, relieves tension headaches, and soothes you. It's very effective in aiding digestive problems too. Chamomile comes in teas and oils which you can use easily. Taking chamomile tea relieves tension and stress, helping you achieve a good night's sleep. Using chamomile infused oil for massages gives the same effect too.
Usually, hops are used to treat headaches, indigestion, and insomnia brought about by stress. It calms your nerves and aids digestion. Other uses for hops include treatment of skin ulcers and reducing fever. It's safe for everyone but care should be taken with the dose you take and take extra care when you use it for long periods too.
This herb works well to help your body relax by reducing muscle spasms and tension. It helps you sleep and induces peace of mind. When you take passionflower , you'll see lessened incidents of mood swings, hot flashes, and feelings of agitation. Passionflower should not be taken if you're on medicines in the MAO inhibitor class.
Valerian is commonly used as an herbal remedy for insomnia. It's a very effective and popular herb because it promotes drowsiness without affecting the quality of your sleep. That means you wake up refreshed and not tired. It takes about 2-3 weeks for you to get its full effects. It's usually taken an hour before bedtime and comes in tea and liquid extract. Most people can't stand the smell though and you might prefer taking it in capsule form. Valerian should not be used for more than three months. Known side effects include dizziness, mild indigestion, and headache.
St. John's Wort
This herb is popularly known for its ability to prevent viral infections. It soothes muscle pains and has potential in treating diarrhea and stomach problems. St. Johns Wort is also very effective in lifting your mood and patients suffering from anxiety and depression favor this herb.
Widely used in cooking, this seed is an effective herb in treating cough, asthma, bronchitis, or other disorders associated with your respiratory system. If you've experience hyperventilating and breathing problems connected with anxiety, this herb reduces those instances. It has analgesic and diuretic properties and also helps facilitate digestion. Fennel is considered safe for everyone although if you're pregnant, you're advised to use this herb with caution.
Enjoy the soothing properties this mood stabilizing herb provides. It promotes drowsiness to treat insomnia. It also contains tonic and anti-inflammatory properties which is useful for seizures, trembling, and restlessness. This herb helps minimize heart palpitations and symptoms of depression. It's not for pregnant women and everyone else should use it in moderation.
2. Aromatherapy and relaxing through scents.
Add essential oils derived from plants in your bath or infusers. They help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. Some of the popular and effective oils are lavender based. You may also consider using jasmine, rose, ylang-ylang, bergamot, or cypress as all are effective. Warm scented baths infused with these oils drains away tension from your body and places it in a relaxed state helping you get rid of anxiety.
3. Physical Relaxation Techniques and bodywork to manage anxiety.
Learning how to breathe properly helps you gain control of your emotions when anxiety attacks happen. Breathing exercises is a natural way to supplement your herbal treatments . Another great way to relieve stress and promote over all circulation is through body massage, shiatsu, and other forms of bodywork. You can request for scented massage oils similar to those you use in aromatherphy. The combination of aromatheraphy and touch theraphy to relieve anxiety is embodied in body massages and are very effective in elevating your mood.
4. Practice stress reduction regularly.
Try meditation, yoga, tai chi, and other mind-body techniques to reduce stress. Not only does it help you treat anxiety, it promotes a general sense of well being, a very important factor for improved quality of life. Try each technique and find one you're comfortable doing regularly. Natural remedies for anxiety are readily available when you decide to really take charge of your anxiety and commit to overcoming it. You owe it to yourself to turn your life around safely and effectively by using natural remedies.