Charles Linden is the man behind the ground breaking Linden Method, a holistic approach to curing panic disorders, anxiety attacks, obsessive/compulsive disorders and other related conditions. Mr. Linden's long journey began in childhood, and by the time he reached his twenties, his condition had robbed him of all the beautiful things and experiences ordinary people take for granted. Extreme agoraphobia, or social anxiety, coupled with debilitating panic attacks had taken control of his life. In 1996, he finally was able to say "No More!"-- and his road to recovery, and the method that would bring over 100,000 people back to life, began.For over 13 years now, he has operated the Linden Center in London, and his life changing method is used by professionals worldwide. The Linden Method evolved directly from research Charles conducted, interviewing thousands of people who had recovered from various anxieties. This is why the Linden Method is so successful; it's based on things that have worked, not laboratory studies, or expensive medications. Everything in this treatment plan is done at home, in comfort. No medications, no endless therapy sessions, just learning to reprogram your own brain and mind from within! What could be more natural? "I'll give you a 'normal' life back. No-- I'll make you better than before."--Charles Linden
The Linden Method
Have you ever experienced sudden, crushing fear? Your heart pounds, it becomes difficult to breathe, and for many people, you literally feel like you are about to die. Believe this; you are not alone, and you are not mentally ill. Anxiety and panic attacks are caused by inappropriate signals from a part of the brain called the amygdala. When the amygdala reacts to outside stimuli, it initiates the "fight or flight" response. In most people, this only happens when there is a genuine threat. But for some, the amygdala is programmed to be more sensitive, and sends out these signals when there is no reason to. The Linden Method can teach you to reset your amygdala to the normal response patterns. You carry the ability to heal and cure yourself of these life stealing conditions, just as Charles has cured himself and thousands of other people. The Linden Method works because it is based on psychological behavior studies dating back over 100 years, coupled with ordinary behaviors you can teach yourself. No, you won't be exchanging a panic attack for finger snapping or gum chewing-- this method includes things as simple as changing the way you sit, and breathe, possibly changing a few things you currently eat for other things. This isn't rocket science; it doesn't take years to see results either! Some of the Linden Method patients have seen dramatic improvements is day, including Charles. Won't it be nice to be free of those horrible feelings of desperation? Imagine how good you'll feel going out and doing all the things you loved to do before, and finding new things to enjoy. The Linden Method can truly give you your life back. If you're considering buying a self help program in the store or online, then remember the seven rules:
- Only buy something that tells you what to do about your problems, instead of telling you what your problem is. You already know what's wrong! You want to know how to fix it.
- Only take advice from people who have experienced what you are going through. Someone who has never felt the way you do can't begin to understand.
- Only follow an easy to understand, simple to use program. There's no point in spending a ton of money on something you can't figure out, is there?
- Holistic treatment is a must. Pills, potions, hypnotherapy and journals only address your symptoms, not the root cause. You can be cured, not just symptom free.
- Don't buy a program written by someone who hasn't been there. No one knows what it's like unless they have been there.Don't buy a program that isn't filled with clear practical solutions. There is no point in spending your money without getting results, and you can't get results without actual plans.
- Only buy programs that are priced for value and offer returns. After all, there is a chance it won't work, and then you'd be stuck with it.
How much money have you spent over the years on psychiatrists, medications, hypnosis, and acupuncture-- well, that's going to stop. You do not have an illness, you have a condition, and you can correct that condition! You are not alone, by any means. The tools are out there for you to overcome shyness and social anxiety waiting for you to pick them up and use them. You DO have the power to take back your life!
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